Saturday, August 18, 2018

Softball Diaries 73: John Ryan is the new Earl of Sandwich

John Ryan has joined softball and made a quick impact with his brilliant speed, tremendous fielding and general distaste for Noah Rush's success.  Softball Diaries has an exclusive interview where we go under the pope hat and get to the real John Ryan.  Ryan shares with us his opinions on digital projections and when breakfast food is appropriate.  So join us, as we get to the bottom of why John Ryan is so fast and why he hasn't tried to grow out his hair.  Special guest host Todd Dixon.  Listen here

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Softball Diaries 72: Ben yawns and Mark winks, it's Mark Vaughn and Ben Link!

This week's podcast is a matchup of friends sparked in the south, forged in Philadelphia. Listen to this double-guest (and guest-host!) episode to find out how Ben and Mark met, what they bond over, and which Braves player they compare themselves to. Ever wanted to be a teacher? Own a business? We talk the good and the not so good. This is a timely episode since Ben Link is leaving Philly, so we say bye the only way we know how—asking about bodily fluids. First time co-host Justin Siebel and a fantastic new game celebrates the first half of softball's season with a tomahawk chop.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

Softball Diaries 71: Bennett Daniels talks Benny McDaniels

Wow, did you guys know Bennett has never been on the podcast?  Well Bennett does, and boy is he steamed about it.  Though Kleger skipped town to dodge the heat, Bennett brings the hot takes on everything from why he hates dark meat to why speech pathology is the sexiest pathology.  Bennett also makes his feelings known about being compared to members of Mumford & Sons all while downing a 5th(?) of aquavit.  So listen to Bennett tear the softball universe a new one here.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Softball Diaries 70: An Arvo (or Two) with Todd Dixon

Hear the Diaries like never before: IN HD SUPER-CRISP AUDIO. Todd Dixon, an Aussie, a tour manager, and a bloomin' Sixers fan, is also a sound engineer. His talents are on display here, mate. I'm pretty sure he bugged Buco's house cause there were mics and equipment everywhere—and constant checking of 'the levels'. Our thanks to Todd for bringing us into the modern age of podcasting. Learn about why Todd dropped out of uni, what tour he will be managing in the fall, and gibberish American and Australian words. Also included is a 40 minute recap of Kleger's home-run, Todd saying funny sounding Australian cities, and Buco challenging him on the origin of Canadian or US things. Wherever you are, whether kneeling, standing, or putting water bottles down under tables, have a walkabout and take a listen.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Softball Diaries 69: Kate is La La Leaving

The Cormorant has graduated from Philadelphia and it's time to celebrate good times. Kate is a natural leader, three-time league MVP and leaves as the winningest captain of all-time. We dish on Jesus, Staples, and setting alarms. Listen for some Billy Joel trivia, how Kate would kill an intruder, and scratch off lotto luck. Bye byee

Monday, May 28, 2018

Softball Diaries 68: Here's Jonny

Like a greatest hits podcast happening in realtime, this one has got it all: You like the recaps? We go for two. You like an interview? Newcomer Jonny shows up, talks. You want us to play a game WITH special guests? Jonny and Siebel battle the hypothetical in WWJ(or J)D?; where only Steph can judge. Do we draw a line from psychology to thermal valves to hoagies and a nice mitt? Almost. Listen for that and Jonny making the ultimate choice between money and George Clooney. Ay dios mio.

Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Softball Diaries 67: Thatcher, Thatcher, Softball Snatcher

The second coming of Thatcher! Last time Thatchmo was on the 'cast he was a doe-eyed, happy-go-lucky, wet-behind-the-ears, never-been-kissed, cherub-boy-king. Years (years!) later we check-in with the mature adult he has become. Gross fills in for Buco, who is scouting talent in Catalonia. We yap about what you need to sacrifice to create, death, permanency, regiment driven generation of achievement. Legacy weighs in on every moment of Thatcher's life, and yeah bro it is heavy. Listen as well for the 'Thatcher Celebrity Trivia Game' and talking corn-dogs! Did we create the Great American Podcast?

Sunday, April 29, 2018

Softball Diaries 66: Mr. Martino Goes to Port Richmond, Fishtown, Tacony, Lawncrest, Bridesburg, Northwood and Mayfair

Back for more in 2018. Kicking off the new season of softball and Dairies (season seven!), Buco and Kleg are stumping for Dan Martino. We politicize the podcast with pro-choice, anti-gun, socialist free weed pieces (not really...mostly!). We recap a collapse, the return of the Shiss, Krone being Krone, Gross being gross, Daniels being stormy, etc. Find out what Martino stands for and what he wishes to accomplish. Visit to get involved, be sure to vote on May 15th and listen today!!